Mar 31, 2021
What can we learn from a day with absolutely no written record of Jesus’ activities?
It turns out, a whole lot.
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Mar 30, 2021
On Tuesday, Christ likely did a lot of teaching.
He told some of His most famous parables of hypocrisy… but his audience was looking a little beyond the mark!
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Mar 29, 2021
On Monday of Easter Week, Jesus cleansed the temple.
And instead of sitting back in judgment of the ancient Israelites who cause Jesus such frustration and righteous anger, today we’re going to sit up and ask, “Lord, is it I?”
Listen in to find out more.
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Mar 28, 2021
We are kicking off a special Easter Week with a short thought about the word HOSANNA.
Happy Palm Sunday!
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Mar 26, 2021
Today we’re getting into some gospel math and then de-mathifying it completely to see if we can learn more about ourselves.
Listen in to find out more!
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